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Xray Sniper

4.6 ( 9936 ratings )
ユーティリティ 仕事効率化
3.99 USD

Optimised to work on iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5c, 5s, 6, 6+

Xray Sniper is taking the radiography scene by storm, with its twin to be released shortly.

This application takes away the generic exposure times and replaces them with highly accurate personalised to the radiographer exposure times.

Weve revolutionised the idea of X-Radiography exposure time keeping.

The best way to describe this application is to treat it as a brain, at first it doesnt know anything about you. However, after just two exposure times it will be able to start predicting your exposure time based on your previous times. And the more accurate exposure times you provide it, the more accurate it becomes! Be done away with keeping 100 sheets of paper with scrap readings of odd-ball pipes on them when you could collaborate the exposures and generate quite possibly the best X-ray exposure time generator there is!

Why choose this application? If youve been shooting X for a period of time, youll know the difference between X-Ray sets, automatic processors, measuring points is quite a drastic variable to be off by. Especially when your tools are generic. This is where we step in, Youll of been writing your exposure times down for years, and using them when you need them, because; they are unique and personal to you, your set and processor. We literally provide the same thing, except you can predict other exposures based on your current exposures, it will then ask you for shot density to calibrate it to an even higher level of accuracy.

Dont miss out on being a part of the early stages of this application and helping it grow into a tool required by every radiographer.

Please visit the support URL to be more involved with the project and submit your ideas and theories.

Xray polynomial interpolation prediction technology
Unlimited exposure saves
Unlimited individual X-Ray sets
Film factor equivalence
Density calibration
No in-app-purchases or advertisements

And much much more, keep an eye out for our Gamma version too if you liked this one!